Jun 242017

More Negative Side Effects Of Heartburn Drugs


Nexium, Prilosec and Prevacid already linked to kidney damage, infections and weakened bones are now blamed for causing dementia and early death

We’ve been hearing for a while that heartburn medications have negative side effects. Recently, there have been numerous reports of kidney failure linked to the use of prescription heartburn drugs. Now, the latest news has it that a kidney failure is not the worst adverse side effect. What’s worse? Dementia and an increased (by 23%) chance of early death!

The main culprits (as of this writing) are heartburn prescription drugs from a class of drugs known as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). This group of drugs includes such brands as Nexium, Prilosec and Prevacid. PPIs deplete magnesium levels in the body which leads to kidney damage and weakened bones. These drugs also dramatically change the type of bacteria present in the gut which increases patients’ susceptibility to infections. The latest – large scale – research links the drugs to increased risk of dementia and premature death.

It has to be noted that the findings apply to heartburn prescription drugs from the PPI class. Another type of heartburn suppressing medications (H2 blocker) has – as of now – less known adverse side effects.

This article isn’t intended to encourage anyone to discontinue the use of doctor’s prescribed heartburn medication but to alert you that not all heartburn drugs are equal and – with few exceptions – none of them should be taken long term. Discuss this article with your physician.

While science has us believing that heartburn medications are the best and fastest way to treat GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) and other digestive system’s disorders, for many patients (except of those suffering from Barrett’s esophagus) lifestyle changes can be as effective and SAFER than drugs. Give it a thought!